
At the Garden

Garden Views

Various views of the garden.(2008/2009)

Work Days

Fond memories from Saturday work days.(2008/2009)

Fruit Tree Planting

Volunteers plant bare-root fruit trees at the garden; apple, pear, plum and fig.(Feb-14-2009)

Blueberry Planting

Volunteers plant more than 30 bare-root blueberry bushes at the garden.(Mar-28-2009)

Tree Planting

Volunteers plant trees at the garden with the 4H Million Trees

Bee Counting

Counting bees for The Great Sunflower

Citrus Tree Planting

Planting lemon and lime trees in the center mandala.(Nov-8-2014)


School Kids Garden Lesson 2008

Pacifica 3rd graders visit the garden to learn about plant life-cycles, worm composting, and harvesting.(Oct-28-2008)

Seed Saving Workshop

Instructors from Ecology Action teach Pacifica Garden adults the art of seed saving.(Feb-01-2009)

Composting Demonstrations

On-site demonstrations of composting, worm composting, and sheet mulching for Earth Day.(Apr-18-2009)

School Kids Garden Lesson 2009

Pacifica 4th graders visit the garden to learn about propagation, life-cycles, worm composting, and harvesting.(May-28-2009)

Circle of Friends Workshop 2009

Educational workshop for Circle of Friends summer day camp.(Jul-20-2009)

School Kids Garden Lessons 2010

Approximately 200 Pacifica school kids from nine different classes, grades 1-7, visit the garden for workshops.(May-Oct 2010)

Garden-Based Education Workshop

Free workshop on garden-based education, in collaboration with the HEAL Project, San Mateo County Food System Alliance, and Seacrest Elementary.(Mar-19-2011)

School Kids Garden Lessons 2011

Approximately 300 Pacifica school kids from 11 different classes, grades K-7, visit the garden for workshops. (May/Jun 2011)

Pam Peirce Fall Garden Workshop

Workshop on Planning Your Fall Garden, with master instructor Pam Peirce.(Aug-14-2011)

"Eat Your Greens" Cooking Workshop

Workshop on cooking with locally grown organic veggies.(Jul-20-2014)


Fog Fest Parade 2008

The Pacifica Gardens contingent marches in the 2008 Fog Fest parade.(Sep-27-2008)

Fundraiser 2008 "100 Mile Meal"

Harvest fundraiser '100 Mile Meal' and silent auction.(Oct-18-2008)

Native Plant Sale 2008

Native plant sale held at the garden.(Dec-7-2008)

Turn Off TV Week Activities 2009

Activities at Pacifica Gardens during TOTV Week.(Apr-21-2009)

"Gardens by the Sea" Tour 2009

Pacifica Gardens was 1 of 8 gardens selected for the 12th annual tour.(May-16-2009)

Fall "Veggie Starts" Sale 2009

Fall "veggie starts" sale held at the garden.(Aug-22 to Sep-12-2009)

Volunteer Appreciation Party 2009

Volunteer appreciation Halloween party held at Sam Mazza castle in Pacifica.(Oct-31-2009)

"Gardens by the Sea" Tour 2010

Pacifica Gardens was selected as a bonus garden for the 13th annual tour.(May-22-2010)

Fundraiser 2010 "100 Mile Meal"

Harvest fundraiser '100 Mile Meal' and silent auction.(Oct-23-2010)

"Gardens by the Sea" Tour 2011

Pacifica Gardens was selected as a bonus garden for the 14th annual tour.(Jun-11-2011)

Fundraiser 2011 "100 Mile Meal"

Harvest fundraiser '100 Mile Meal' and silent auction.(Oct-1-2011)

Fundraiser Picnic 2012

Picnic fundraiser at the garden - Food, live music, tours, demonstrations, silent auction.(Sep-16-2012)

Fundraiser 2014 Halloween Party

Halloween Party fundraiser at Sam's Castle.(Oct-25-2014)


Pile Composting

Traditional pile composting using "biostack" modular stacking box frames.


Composting using vermiculture worm bins.

Sod Wall Composting

Recycle extracted sod, remove refuse from the local waste stream, and create fertility all in one operation!(Summer 2008)

Sheet Mulching

Building soil fertility by "composting in place" while simultaneously suppressing weed growth.(Summer 2009)

In the Beginning

Kiosk Installation

It all started with an empty field and a sign.(Mar-1-2008)

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

City dignitaries and school district officials join the community to celebrate the opening of the garden.(May-24-2008)

Greenhouse Reassembly

A donated greenhouse is reassembled and installed in the garden.(Jun-7-2008)

ADA/Senior Bed Construction

Young adult volunteers from St. Bart's church in Atlanta came cross-country to build the ADA/senior beds.(Jun-9-2009)

Permanent Fence Construction

Garden volunteers install the permanent fence.(Summer 2009)

Well Drilling and Irrigation Installation

A well is drilled and garden volunteers install a drip irrigation system.(Summer 2010)

Greenhouse 2 Installation

Installation of the 2nd donated greenhouse.(Jun-2010)

Front Gate Installation

Installation of the decorative iron front gate.(Oct-19-2010)

Gate Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Celebration of the new gate, fence, well and irrigation system.(Nov-7-2010)

AmeriCorps Infrastructure Project

AmeriCorps NCCC Green Team 5 builds new raised beds, propagation tables, storage bays and more.(Mar-8 to Mar-20-2015)